Caren Rangi – Conference MC
Chair, Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa
Chair, Pacific Homecare Services
Director, Pacific Co-operation Broadcasting Ltd (Pasifika TV)
Board member, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
Governor, Radio New Zealand
Director, Hawke’s Bay Regional Recovery Agency
Director, Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Agency
“Governor – Cook Islands World Domination champion – facilitator – connector – family member and friend – these are what I would call my defining characteristics. I am a proud NZ born Cook Islands Maori and I have chosen to be a leader in the field of governance, so I can influence decision-making in areas I am passionate about including arts and culture, broadcasting, social and economic wellbeing. While I started life as an accountant and auditor, I finally found my happy place sitting at Board tables bringing the views, perspectives and needs of the people I represent. I am also proud to live life in regional New Zealand (Hawke’s Bay), while also working across New Zealand and in the Pacific”.