Diane Anderson

Diane Anderson


Diane Anderson – MPI

Diane is an Incursion Investigator in the MPI Plant Health team. The team investigates suspect exotic pests and diseases after they’ve crossed the border.  Where the presence of an exotic organism is confirmed, they eradicate them if possible or transition them to Response if it needs wider coordination. Diane has over 25 years’ experience as an Entomologist, including 16 years at the MPI Plant Health and Environment Laboratory. Prior to this she worked for Scion in the Forest Biosecurity & Protection unit.  She has experience in diagnostic and advisory services for suspected exotic and high impact pests such as the Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB).  She has also been involved in multiple biosecurity responses including responses to exotic pest fruit flies, Hadda beetle, subterranean termites and western drywood termites to name a few.

Biosecurity – Incursion Investigation and Beyond.

Come and learn about the Incursion Investigation Plant Health team.  Who we are, where we fit in the Biosecurity system and why people should care about what we do. A brief overview of the Biosecurity system will also be covered.

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